What if the worlde were mayde of thicke starres?

Hello and welcome to my online journal. I've been sent here by a daimon to write what thoughts I might be having at any particular moment of the day, though I evade the task when I can.

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Location: Berkeley, California, United States

A 22-year old girl full of fancy, admiring people and things with a passion hidden behind glass.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cycles of Dawn

Tired leaden steps on a broken world,
the mist of a morning in a tempestuous whorl.

Preliminaries and procedures bespeak the anxiety
that invades us all, we changelings of the florid earth. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved your recent 2 poems.

I re-read this thrice and with each reading, something new seemed to come out of it.

'The 4-letter thing'. Its the MBTI. You're INFP :) Really, its not hard to 'diagnose' it. http://typelogic.com/infp.html You can see the type profile over there.

Here's the INFP forum http://infp.globalchatter.com/messageboard/ pretty interesting. You could also join the INTJ's (my type) at http://intjforum.com/ . There's a cocktail mix of types over there and is highly updated and entertaining.

But I see it more as an interesting sociology study. You would be surprised to find that over there in INTJ, there's discrimination against the 'S'(in mbti, its either S/N for the 2nd 'letter') types particularly whereas in real life, INTJs don't act in this way. When a bunch of them (or us) get together, they are suddenly transformed into elitists and act and speak the same way. If not, the person would be left out.

Pretty much of a mini society over there.

Whereas over there in INFP, the atmosphere is far friendlier although some or many do not have good feelings towards the 'T' types especially INTJs (for obvious reasons since the intjforum stereotype of INTJs is not very pleasant).

But nevertheless, intjforum is a wealth of humor and opinions from 'interesting' people. INFP globalchatter is quite different but I'm not very sure since I'm not a regular there (although I have an account there). :)

Oh yeah, your knowledge of poetry and philosophy amazes me. Really. I wish to have just a pinky toe of all that. I would be happy just for that :D

October 1, 2008 at 2:31 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Very interesting about this personality-based forums, I will really have to check them out now.... how eerie to be talking with a bunch of people who all share some of your tendencies, and then go into another where you are completely out of their sphere!

It makes me very happy to hear you say that you read them and read them over more than once. No greater gift can really be given to one such as myself.

That knowledge you envy now will surely, surely come in time, knowing how inquisitive you are. It is helpful, but the really important thing is reflection, which I too rarely allow myself to do.

October 4, 2008 at 1:26 AM  

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