Stories from around the World
Since it is a habit of mine to search in google for random phrases in quotes that come to my head (examples include: "My husband is a patriot", "OMG I love Shakespeare", and "Onan is my hero") and since I generally find results on people's blogs, personal websites, and forum posts that reveal strikingly honest and human outpourings of thought and feeling, I thought it would be meet to document some of these on my blog.
Here is "Twinkle Toes" a "Ballroom Diva" from La Quinta, CA who I found when searching for "child seeing someone die" (without quotes this time - I was doing some research on how children see death):
I had never lost anyone I was particularly close to and when someone I knew died it really didn't affect me too much because I wasn't close to them. However, when my brother was hit head on and killed by a guy passing people over double yellow lines on a curve, it really affected me. To this day it still affects me. I miss him so much. There really aren't any words that can describe how much I miss him. The other thing is when I see my other brother or my parents struggling with his death, that hurts too. But we do have some hope because of our faith. We absolutely believe we will see him again some day, so even though we are heartbroken and desperately sad because he is gone from this Earth and we can't see him here anymore, we know that this is only temporary.
Well and I wonder what you searched to get to mine.
It's funny but I do that searching thing too.
"we know that this is only temporary." The last sentence is chilling.
Her account sounds so recent yet a long time seemed to have passed. She sounds like a child but at the same time, also like an adolescent.
Haha, that's really funny! I remember exactly what I searched for... it was "I am, therefore I think", because I was curious about who out there had thought about the Descartes maxim and actually had tried to challenge it by reversing it...
That's more than I had ever done, because I have a tendency to utterly trust whomever I am reading... so imagine my surprise when I then found out your age!
And I've been a faithful (albeit intermittent) reader ever since =)
The searches are so impulsive, but so satisfying to find results to... I was curious to catalogue them and I would be curious to see some of the ones you have discovered as well.
Unintentional paradoxes... I think that is a good insight into the way her narrative sounds. It could simply be bad writing on her part, but what if the moment of trauma (either the trauma of being told there exists an omnipotent god or the trauma of the death she experience) in her life has carved a place into her mind that causes such recessions between present and past, adulthood and adolescence?
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