What if the worlde were mayde of thicke starres?

Hello and welcome to my online journal. I've been sent here by a daimon to write what thoughts I might be having at any particular moment of the day, though I evade the task when I can.

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Location: Berkeley, California, United States

A 22-year old girl full of fancy, admiring people and things with a passion hidden behind glass.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Me siento tanto bulla,
y desarrollo de luz blanco.
Palmadas en mi cabeza se salgan
de un hueco vencido de Dios.

Un avestruz me pegó un grito
que volvió mí alma de sudad
portando paquetes de mosucar,
calmando mi pena germinal.

Tantos caminos oscuros
sin piedra y sin pie -
Oigo solamente los alpacas
ladrando vocales de bocas en sed.


I feel such a racket
And a white light unravels from me.
Slaps on my head escape
From a hole vindicated by God.

An ostrich gave me such a scream
That my sweaty soul returned to me
Carrying packets of sugarflies,
Calming my germinal fear.

So many shadowy roads
Without rocks, without feet—
And I hear only the alpacas
Barking vowels from mouths in thirst.

[This is a poem I first wrote in Spanish and then translated into English..... it is about the difficult desolation I felt while trying to figure out what on earth was going on in César Vallejo's book of poetry called "Trilce". The title is what happens to you when you are deep-mired in "Trilce" (you are "Trilced" or "Entrilsado"). The neologism 'moscuar' is a combination of 'moscas' (flies) and 'sugar' (azucar).]


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